
Mark Hogan


Mark Hogan was called to vocational ministry at GBC – Van in 2023 after serving as a church planter in North Dakota from 2017. He is married to Christine and they have 4 boys. Mark is a graduate of Westminster Seminary, California and enjoys preaching, singing psalms, reading, and shepherding the people of God!

Robert Fitzgerald


Robert has been a member of Grace Baptist since its founding, and has served as one of the elders since 2013.  He is a licensed attorney in Texas (1986) (B.A. with distinction in Econ./Bus. from Hendrix College – 1981; J.D. from University of Arkansas – 1985) and has practiced primarily in the area of commercial litigation since 1989.  Robert is married to Vicki (1986), and they have been blessed with seven children and one grandchild.

Paul Takach


Paul Takach has served as one of the elders of Grace Baptist Church since 2014.  He previously pastored for 6 years at another Baptist church in East Texas.  He has been married to Dana since 2001, and they have been blessed with three children.  Paul has a Certificate of Ministry from East Texas Baptist University (2008).  He is fully convinced of the sovereignty of God in salvation, the need for expository preaching and the importance of the regulative principle of worship.

JD Warren


JD has served as a deacon and gifted brother since 2018. JD has been married to Mindy since 2013, and they have been blessed with 4 children. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from Landmark Baptist Seminary and owns a business advising people on retirement solutions, mortgage protection, and final expense solutions. 

Brady Clark


Brady has served as a deacon since 2020. Brady has been married to Abra since 2014, and they have been blessed with 2 daughters and a son. Brady is a former Marine who works for a Texas based tank trailer company. He moonlights in smoking brisket and pork.

Ben Carter


Ben has served as a deacon since 2023. He has been married to his wife Brandy for 21 years, they have 6 children. Ben served in the US Army, was a former restaurateur, and is now a corporate chef for a food distribution company. He can usually be found cooking, smiling in his Jeep, and serving his church family.